The 2501 CLI is a command line tool designed to wrap an API, offering a convenient way for users to interact with configuration data and query information about their current workspace.


This tool is available as an npm package. To install, run the following command:

npm install -g @2501-ai/cli

CLI Install

This will install the 2501 CLI globally on your system, making it available from anywhere in your terminal.

Next, set your API key retrieved from your 2501 account:

@2501 set api_key YOUR_API_KEY

Now you can use the 2501 CLI commands:

@2501 <query>


@2501 find the location apache config in this machine:

CLI Use Case


You can use any of the following commands as long as you provide the required inputs:

Set Command

  • Command: set

  • Description: Set configuration values.

  • Usage: @2501 set <key> <value>

    • api_key: Set the API key retrieved from your 2501 account.

Config Command

  • Command: config
  • Description: Fetches configuration data from the API.
  • Usage: @2501 config

Query Command

  • Command: query
  • Description: Execute a query using the specified agent.
  • Usage: @2501 query <query> [--workspace <path>] [--agentId <id>]

Init Command

  • Command: init
  • Description: Initializes a new agent.
  • Usage: @2501 init [--name <name>] [--workspace <path>] [--config <config_id>]

Agents Command

  • Command: agents
  • Description: List agents in the current workspace or all agents on the machine.
  • Usage: @2501 agents [--workspace <path>] [--all] [--flush]

Jobs Command

  • Command: jobs

  • Description: Fetch jobs from API.

  • Usage: @2501 jobs [--workspace <path>] [--subscribe] [--listen]

    • -- workspace <path>: Specify a different workspace path.
    • --subscribe: Subscribe every minute to the API for new jobs on the current workspace.
    • --unsubscribe: Unsubscribe the current workspace for new jobs.
    • --listen: Listen for new jobs from the API and execute them.


Contributions to this project are welcome. For any questions or requests, please visit our website or contact us at